Sites of Horror: The Holocaust in Hungary
Anwesha Rana was unsure when her friend insisted that Budapest is Europe's most beautiful city. She w as wary ha ving been enchanted beyond measure by London. She wondered could anything surpass London's beauty? The friend was right once again. Travelling in Budapest captured Anwesha’s mind and she has been planning to revisit it the moment she left the city. In the third part of a series on Europe for TravelEquipped , Anwesha writes about her somber visit to the Holocaust 's remnants in Budapest Hungary's pro-German government ordered deportation of 4,37,000 Jews to concentration camps. Wikimedia Commons Anwesha Rana @RanaAnwesha R eaders may have by now gathered a fair idea that my status since October 2018 has been: Currently obsessing over Hungary. In this piece, I continue to share it and hope that some of you will consider this country in Eastern Europe as the next travel des...